2:00am episodes-friendship

Hey ,was up at 2:25am so I wrote what I was thinking about. I hope you are well.

Friendship is also a relationship. So many things,tips ,actions to maintain it.

You’ll have seasonal friends and those that stay or even those that only show up for specific experiences and that’s all.

You’ll be working hard to nurture a seasonal friendship only to hurt yourselves because you are forcing things that should have been long gone.

You’ll not have boundaries and this too might break your long term friendship. Yes ‘its hard keeping up with friendship”that how it slowly fades away.

You’ll pick walking away or ghosting rather than having that hard conversation? That’s a choice too and be ready for the consequences.
Its okay to grieve .To grieve friendship for what it was and what it might have been.
Sometimes you’ll have friendship crushes until you are that persons friend and y’all can’t meet each others frequency and this doesn’t mean either is toxic.Learning the art if conflict resolution in friendship is important
We have the pretty parts of friendship. The one with boundaries.Support,
communication, forgiveness,apology ,memories ,experiences ,respect and all those beautiful principles that mean so much to you.
Taking platonic love seriously!
I hope you experience a little bit of both.

Might do a part two on the hide out podcast with Wamboey🤗…

Have an amazing week and follow on the socials😌.

Goes back to sleep.

Bye Hun.

Published by Sunflower&butterflies

Hi, I am Mutcy. A youth and children's mental hygiene advocate . I am human ,doing humany stuff I am from Kenya🇰🇪 This is a space where we share our thoughts ,we embrace our emotions and support each other. We Learn,Unlearn and relearn .I write about my experience ,stories I hear,stories that are good to share,information I feel is important to share. I write about life. hope you like it here. I love poetry |art|pets|nature . "If you choose to be anything,be kind" Love who you are. Take care of your mental health💚 For communication . My kind of normal- rules @mutcy_ on Instagram& twitter. Remember You are human ,be kind to yourself

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  1. Enjoying the reads
    I’m liking it here
    It’s very thoughtful that you are sharing your information for others,like me to learn on situations that need not be ignored in our lives.


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